The Importance Of Product Photography

Photography can win or lose your brand, making it essential for the success of your online store. Its importance lies in establishing relationships with your customers and turning them into loyal fans of your brand. When your photography is quality and professional, visitors to your online store begin to trust your brand and interact with your product page.

67% of eCommerce consumers say that the quality of product photography is essential to decide to buy in an online store.

They are also an essential element of your visual marketing strategy as it increases engagement and click-through rate. For example, in newsletters or publications on social networks, photography serves as an ambassador for a brand, increasing the chances of selling your product.

Photography In Other Media

Newsletters, social media, and blog posts are generally higher on the marketing funnel. Here, static product photography tends to wilt. Instead, you can grab attention with more context and lifestyle shots that raise awareness and keep customers interested. You can also mix product-only photos when appropriate, as long as you have beautiful and visual images.

In newsletters and other content channels, you can also use photos and videos of your product in use or in its intended environment to engage the user. Use the images to answer questions or explain the characteristics of your product.

Humans are programmed to process images faster than anything else, and that fact remains strong when deciding to buy from an online store. In an increasingly crowded space like eCommerce, where online stores compete to attract the attention of consumers with decreasing attention spans, the quality of their photographs is increasingly essential.

Boost your email campaigns, social posts, and content with quality imagery with just one click to increase your conversion rate and, ultimately, your customers’ lifetime value.

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