Impact of blog in consumers’ lifestyle and beauty

Blogging these days has seen a mammoth boost. Anyone who is having the access to Internet and can express their opinion for a particular product or lifestyle and for that matter anything can take up blogging as a hobby. Also it can lead to a great alternate source of income in due time. Blogging as a whole has change the perspective of a consumer who is looking forward to buy anything. These days following opinion of a blogger and going through other users’ feedback has become customary before making buying decision for any product be it car or phone and even sunscreen.

Traditionally, product advertising in TV or magazines has been a trend for introducing a product to a large section of consumers. It takes money to advertise in a mainstream media. Brands allot a significant amount of budget for the marketing purpose. With the advent of Internet and user base growth like never before, brands today are looking up to bloggers for reaching to a different consumer set. And that too with fraction of budget they allot for traditional advertising. Bloggers are fee to present their opinions in their respective platforms. But there is a catch. If the product is not up to the mark for the price, blogger will inform that also. Consumers will scrap that product. Brands will have a tough time in selling that particular product in a scenario like this.

With the availability of high speed Internet today, more beauty and lifestyle bloggers have come with their great multimedia based content. These contents are not limited textual matter. The beauty product bloggers demonstrate the utility of the products by applying the products on themselves. The product must have left a positive change on the blogger to receive a good rank among others. To do so, bloggers sometimes need to use these for a fair amount of time ranging from one week to one month. The products sometimes are newly launched and if the quality is not good, it will affect the skin of the blogger in the first place. So there is always extra risk involved while trying out new thing on you. Testing unexplored products has always been a matter of concern for any beauty blogger. For lifestyle reviews the range of contents varies from apparels, cooking recipes, daily life or some DIY projects. Lifestyle blogging is less of a product review and more like documenting the world around you and your interests.

There are some parameters upon which the quality of the blogger is measured. They are:

  • Views
  • User engagement
  • Network traffic
  • Improvement in content quality

Like any other jobs bloggers also keep improving upon user feedbacks and kind of resources available to them. Many bloggers invest in good equipments to record videos once they start earning from their contents. And more the user engagement, more new users will start following that particular blog. Bloggers are awarded these days in separate award functions meant for bloggers only. Best fashion and lifestyle bloggers gets rewarded not only inform form great viewership, but also cracks various sponsored deals with brands. So blogging started as an alternate media and gradually is making its mark as another form of mainstream digital media.

For further information about the Best Fashion and Lifestyle Bloggers please visit our website here at :

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