If you have a baby, it is time that you give attention to baby wearing. Baby wearing is a practice of carrying the baby either in a sling or carrier. When you are out and about, baby wearing can prove to be useful. More than the function, baby wearing is a fun and natural way to bond with your baby.

The thought of the baby tagging along makes a baby carrier appealing to most parents but when is it safe to start using a baby carrier? You should know that there are many baby carrier options in the market. The key to determining the right baby carrier is the baby’s age.

For babies 0-4 months old

Keep in mind that for newborns or babies 0-4 months old, their necks are vulnerable. Knowing this, you should look for baby carriers that prioritize neck support. Aside from neck support, you should also look into hip support.

Experts recommend that you carry your baby in an M-position, which puts their knees slightly above their bottom. The M-position will also ensure that your baby has the right back curvature. When choosing a carrier, you should particularly consider the newborn insert or a newborn carrier with adjustable carrying positions.

For babies 4-7 months old

The significant achievement of 4-7 months old babies is holding their heads up without support. When babies hold their heads up, it is time that you adjust their carrier. If you already have an adjustable carrier, you can simply widen the base. This way, it will provide the baby with enough wiggle room to be comfortable.

If you should buy a carrier, you should pick convertible carriers that allow you to conveniently switch into different carrying positions. You should particularly consider facing-out carrying position. This will allow the baby to see the world around and develop the senses.

For babies 8-12 months old

For babies 8-12 months old, you should expect a strong neck and head control. A front-facing or back carrier is the way to go. By considering such, the baby can enjoy physical contact as well as observing the surroundings. If you decide to bring your baby on adventures like hiking and walking, it will surely be a huge learning experience.

For babies 12 months and older

For babies who are 1 year and older, a back carry is ideal and comfortable for both of you. Remember that your baby will be over 22 pounds. While you may have the strength, carrying a baby over 22 pounds can be hard and it will put pressure on your shoulders and back.

With this, you should prioritize a back carrier as it can alleviate the pressure on your shoulders and back. Back carry can also give your baby more interaction and the freedom to look around. You should be at peace because the back carry is still safe and secure.

Final word

Regardless of age, you must know the proper position of the baby when using the carrier. Make sure that proper position is maintained otherwise you can harm the baby. Aside from knowing the proper position, you should also spend time researching from price comparison to consumer reviews. In the end, these can help you make the most of the baby carrier.

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