All About Lip Embroidery and the Healing Stages

Everyone wishes they had attractive lips, be it men or women. However, most people are put off by the lip embroidery technique and the healing process. This may be because not much knowledge is available to the public. It is also worth noting that while eyebrow embroidery is prevalent, lip and eyeliner embroidery are not.

If you are considering having lip embroidery, you may be concerned about the following issues:

  • Lips that are too dark or pale
  • Sensitivity towards lip products

Similarly, you may be tired of having to touch up your lips after meals or that you find it difficult to remove your makeup.

Lip embroidery is similar to a typical tattoo in that your artist utilises a single-use, sterile instrument to implant micro-pigments into the lip. In contrast to tattoo ink, micro-pigment is powder-based, which makes the colours much more realistic and prevents them from fading into grey or green.

Lip embroidery that employs micro-pigments fades more naturally with time. As such, you won’t even have to worry about touch-ups until a few years. Furthermore, because high-quality micro-pigments are used, the colours will fade into a softer tone with time.


Under normal circumstances, the procedure is simple:

  1. First, the artist will contour the outline of your lips, ensuring that you like the shape.
  2. Next, numbing cream will be applied.
  3. Finally, the artist will begin the process of applying the colour via a sterile needle, reapplying the numbing cream as needed to ensure comfort.

Healing Process

To begin with, you can expect regular dry skin peeling for approximately a week. However, this is followed by a seeping of clear to yellowish fluid from the lip for some clients. Regardless, don’t be concerned because it’s merely plasma that helps with the mending process. If the fluid contains pus, it will cause severe stinging and burning. This makes it simple to distinguish between the two. During the first week, try to eat slowly and in smaller quantities. Drink all fluids using a straw, then wipe your lips and reapply the aftercare lotion after each meal.

Your lips are more prone to swell if you have sensitive skin. In such cases, freeze your lips for 10-15 minutes at night. It will take around three weeks after your first treatment for your lips to fully recover and about six weeks for the colour to settle in. However, there were a few minor areas where the colour needed to be touched up.

Touch-up sessions are now the ideal opportunity to explore your alternatives. Do you want a more natural colour or more of that fresh, brilliant, dazzling colour that may be achieved without the application of lip gloss? There are unlimited possibilities!

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