5 Simple Tricks to Look Polished Effortlessly

7 Ways To Always Look Polished – The UNDONE

Looking polished is the most effective way to present yourself as professional and confident. It helps you make a strong visual statement about you and get people to take you seriously. Also, what woman doesn’t want to be noticed, admired, and envied for her impeccable style? 

However, looking polished is one thing, but doing so with seeming effortlessness and ease is yet another skill. Effortless elegance is undoubtedly one of the highest compliments in the fashion world but achieving it often requires, contrary to what the word suggests, preparation and thought to go into the process somewhere along the way.

Applying a few simple tricks ensures that you, too, will be exuding effortless elegance and class no matter where you go. 

Wear What Makes You Feel Confident

A lot of looking polished and put together is feeling confident in how you look. Something as simple as how you dress affects your attitude – when you are well dressed you will feel better, treat others better, and will be able to put the best version of yourself into the world. 

Feeling confident in your clothing is mostly related to how your clothing fits. If something fits you well and flatters your figure it will help improve your body image. 

The important thing about fitted clothes is to also make sure that they fit your body. That means choosing and wearing clothes that skim your figure without being too tight or too big. Taking the time to find pieces that fit you perfectly ensures that you will look polished and command more respect. 

Keep an eye out for structured silhouettes – tailored separates and fitted dress shirts and blazer are the best foundation to your polished look. 

Have a Go-To Outfit for Each Season

One small trick to make sure that you always have something elegant and confidence-boosting to wear is having a go-to outfit for each season. 

A go-to outfit is an outfit that you can always rely on for looking stylish and feeling confident. It takes a lot of stress out of figuring out what to wear. 

The principles of composing a go-to outfit are simple enough: choose what looks good on you, what flatters your shape, and what reflects your personal style. However, finding the pieces that adhere to these principles may make shopping feel more like a challenge. But even though finding the perfect items may take more time and effort, it will be worth the while in terms of happiness and satisfaction you will get out of wearing them. 

Invest in Quality

Looking effortlessly stylish also comes down to the quality of items you are wearing. When talking about investing in quality, people often refer to the practicality of it – high-quality, long-lasting items usually last longer than those in a lower price category. 

While this is certainly true, investing in quality is paramount for looking effortlessly polished for much more than practical considerations. Better quality usually means superior fit and fabric. Fashion pieces of quality fabrics allow the wearer to move and feel comfortable. 

Also, quality (or lack thereof) shows. Low-quality clothes look neither elegant nor sophisticated as a rule and will not do anyone any favors when going for effortless elegance. 

Pay Attention to Detail

Often, it is the smallest things that make the biggest difference. When trying on a shirt you may think that sleeves that are ever so slightly short on an otherwise perfectly fitting shirt “aren’t that bad” but you will definitely be regretting your purchase rather sooner than later. 

Even if it is only a small flaw, as long as you know that it is there, it will ruin wearing that piece of clothing for you forever. Confidence has a huge role in looking effortlessly polished and to look and feel confident you need to believe that every single detail of your outfit is flawless and in place. 

Details are also essential for distinguishing your style from everyone else’s. For instance, if you are looking for a shirt, get a white shirt with French cuffs. A small detail like shirt cuffs can add a lot of style and class to any outfit. 

Keep It Simple

Less is more when it comes to attaining a polished look. A classy look does not need a lot of accessories and keeping your jewelry to a minimum is guaranteed to look elegant and chic. 

Build you outfit around one statement piece. That can be any item which catches the eye and creates visual interest. The rest of your outfit should be more neutral so that it will not overshadow the one incredible piece you are wearing. 

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